As anticipation builds to fever
pitch for the first Chain gigs in many, many years, HCHeadlines can exclusively
reveal the answer to the question on everyone’s lips - exactly which cover
versions will Chain be busting out in New York in October? The answer may
surprise you. Chain’s vocalist Curt Canales confirmed to our reporter: “We will
be covering the band Chain of Strength. We had a lot of discussions about what
to play--obviously our entire recorded output is only 11 songs, and we want to
give the fans their money’s worth--so a cover or two is necessary. We toyed
with the idea of maybe a 7 Seconds song, or Minor Threat, but no. The kids are
there to see the mighty ChainXCrew. And that’s exactly what we are going to give them.
Plus, what more more worthwhile or legendary band could we pick? It’s simple--there just aren't any. We will play our usual set, and then a hand-picked
selection of covers of our own material. I don’t want to tell you which ones,
exactly...but let’s just say one of them rhymes with ‘Blue ill Meth’. We felt it
was about time the Chain catalogue received some decent cover versions. SO many
bands have covered us over the years, and to be honest all the ones I heard
sucked. I mean, did you hear Bane’s version of ‘Just how much’? Jesus. It
sounded like a bunch drugged penguins with restricted motor function.” Our
reporter tentatively suggested that perhaps covering the Justice League (Chain’s
precursors, featuring Chris Bratton and Ryan Hoffman from the band) song ‘Chain
of Strength’ might make more sense. “Shit! Forgot about that. Hmm. Nah, fuck
it.” Canales concluded.
'Relevant to your interests' - bringing you all the latest news, gossip, libel and recieved death threats from the hardcore community. Now on twatter: @HCHeadlines
Friday, 17 August 2012
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
@HCHeadlines started six months ago, and rather than run the risk of becoming even unfunnier than we are already, we are quitting while we are still technically 'ahead'.
This was done out of love for (and fascination with) HARDCORE – which has been a big part of our lives for a VERY long time. Writing this crap has been a lot of fun for us. We really appreciate all the support we have had and would like to say a sincere THANK YOU to the many, many people who said something nice about us, or RTd any of our headlines. Some of you have doggedly RTd our headlines on a daily basis, and it has not gone unnoticed – we salute you!
If we didn’t RT a joke you sent us, please don't take it personally! Some of them were very funny – but we never RTd ANYTHING, ever. (We never used hash tags either. They're annoying, like a perpetually shit joke that NEVER ENDS.)
We could tell you who was behind this account, but you would be so PROFOUNDLY UNDERWHELMED that it's best for us to remain mysterious and enigmatic, like Jack the Ripper or the more obscure members of Slipknot (the Rev one, duh).
If you want to write to us for any reason, possibly to tell us we are callously destroying the one remaining thing in your life that had some vague semblance of meaning, please do:
Now, for your reading pleasure, and in handy 'can be printed off and passed to your tattooist' format, is every headline we ever posted. Probably. We might have missed one or two of the ones we did when we were off our mash on goofballs. Right... BYE. LOVE YOU. TAKE CARE. XXXX
Infamous ‘Edgebreak list’ to be resurrected as Broadway musical
No Warning and Guns Up! dinner date: ‘super awkward’
Edge tattoo cover up required before edge tattoo completed
Profits from straight edge clothing company spent on other straight edge clothing
HR and RickTaLife jostle for position as premier Hardcore mentalist
Smiths idolatry blamed for marked increase in foppishness in hardcore
Insted finally apologise for spelling error
Melinicks still not returning Dwid’s calls
Ray Cappo to conduct guided tours around own ego
JUDGE reunion contract negotiations still stalling over 'Old Smoke' clause
Squeaky-voiced crew member ruins gang vocal
'Power-violence' mostly played by 'milquetoast-pacifists'
Straight Edge Council of Elders confirm fourth ever recorded instance of 'True Till Death'
Hardcore band books first rehearsal, releases pre-orders
eBay seller accidentally omits phrase ‘bid hard’ from auction
Victory Records intern finally stumps up courage to ask what a 'Raybeez' is
Hardcore band's bassist wakes at 2am in a cold sweat, realising no-one would really notice if he played on the record or not
Holy Terrorist wondering how to tell Mom that newly-freed Manson will be crashing at theirs for a while, just till he gets his shit together
Hardcore and punk to formally sever all ties
Middle-aged hardcore dude continually using internet to tell everyone how much better hardcore was before internet
European hardcore discovered, ignored
Concept of Straight Edge explained to Grandma for fifth fucking time
Band starting to realise maybe they should have actually listened to the test presses before selling them on with those crappy covers
Chubby Fresh's sweat towel REALLY not looking forward to that OLC/Heavyweight gig this summer
Crowd pleasantly surprised by vocalist urging them to 'Stay at the back and chill if you're comfortable there, no problem at all'
Girth Crisis: reunion obesity at critical levels, stages reinforced nationwide
Stage Potatoes Union lobbying heavily for more opportunities to get in the way, nod out of time, be very sweaty, point a bit in the choruses
'Friends press' sold on eBay by seven different friends
Grindcore drummer praying for a mid-set reggae number
Singer of Harm’s Way deemed exempt from all satirical scrutiny
Revelation to reissue Rev 1-10 in some kind of new way they haven't quite figured out, maybe to celebrate like an anniversary or something
Band still monitoring myspace page views
Dwid embarrassed to discover Integrity2000 line up still diligently rehearsing in his closet
Support band inspires languid push-mosh
Panicked beatdown vocalist accidentally inserts the word 'creamy' into mosh call
Seventh Dagger admit that the xTyrantx/Grateful Dead split was a 'huge mistake'
After intense debate, Youth Crew band finally agree to go with Varsity font and cartoon of man in hooded sweatshirt
Phrase 'post-crabcore' used in all seriousness
Band's demo balancing precariously between 'raw, frenetic' and 'badly recorded, not very tight'
American touring band can't wait to get the hell away from this goddamn European enthusiasm, hospitality and good manners
Scientists discover circle pits always run counter-clockwise in Southern Hemisphere
'Mean Steve' now just 'Steve'
Band unable to come up with ideas for video that don't involve walking down graffiti-ridden streets towards camera, trying to look menacing
Hardcore kid wondering why no-one has ever tried to incorporate 'punk rock' into HC before
Ian Mackaye briefly considers restarting Hardline movement, just to freak people out
Vocalist forced to halt song to tell audience member if he can't share, he can't singalong
Strife agree SXE songs to be sung by chorus of certified Edgemen, while Rick Rodney mercilessly whipped with OG x-swatches at side of stage
Two show-goers mortified as they defy million-to-one odds and arrive in matching Cold World shirts
Band contemplate how much more merch would fit in the van if they ditched the second guitarist
Supreme Hardcore Council seeking clarity on what exactly the fuck 'hardstyle' is
Length of shout-outs given longer than actual song
Undeniable air of smugness emanating from dude moshing to cover no-one else recognises
Promoter contemplating if adding eighth band could qualify use of term 'fest'
Bands' girlfriends unconsciously competing for who's got the nicest laid out merch table
HC kid makes wondrous voyage from young, ultra-positive weiner to cocky, pious little shit to cynical, jaded hipster in just 18 magical months
Bassist dealing with decision to wear hoody and cap during set stoically, sweatily
'New Jersey Straight Edge' Varsity jacket seized after crossing State line
Own band's tee only ever worn indoors
Vocalist spends instrumental section squatting by front of bass drum, nodding moodily
Benefit succeeds in raising awareness about something to do with nets and fish or something
Misanthropic, unsociable narcissist uses lyrics to preach tolerance, friendship and understanding
Headwalk victims' class action suit gathering momentum
Mongoloids t-shirt mountain visible from space
Laboratory tests reveal 83% of hardcore is 'basically just metal, minus the dungeons and dragons shit'
Emmure to split after being forced to sit down and listen to own discography
First band at fest's deliberate delay to start time vindicated by arrival of two more audience members
Second guitarist is never going to quite shake these vague feelings of inadequacy, even if that was him on the t-shirt live shot
Chubby Fresh finds, eats Jesus
Straight Edge Vegan unconvincingly cites 'partying' as main interest in social network bio
Band print laughably optimistic amount of girl-sized shirts
Doughnuts ex-members wish the bassist would stop emailing them about a reunion tour and just let it go
Edge kid involuntarily harbours feelings of emotional connection to anyone wearing varsity jacket
Both guitarists, bassist opt for jumping up and down during first few open-chord bars of intro
Band struggling to figure out exact amount of material required for 10"
Seventh Dagger executive board uneasy about how signing band without Xs either side of name will sit with core demographic
Overly complex gang vocal proving a challenge for assembled troglodytes
Band slightly taken aback by lack of theft from unmanned merch table
Hardcore fest's fighting schedule marred by repeated, spontaneous outbreaks of unity and understanding
Kevin Seconds' latest solo effort turned off after just seven seconds
Heartfelt, moving dedication given to friend currently outside show hitting on underage girls
Promoter's cat turns nose up at several largely untouched containers of unspecified vegan mulch
Bitter, jaded old hardcore dude really getting into the bitter, jaded hardcore the youngsters are playing these days
Terrible drummer now proud to be weak link in three different bands
Promoter thinking that single, solitary 15 year old kid not really appreciating the trouble everyone went to to make this show all ages
Karl Beuchner and bandana to separate permanently, publicist announces
Interviewer asks Ian Mackaye if he 'is still edge' for third time just to see that hilarious involuntary eye twitching again
e-Beef executives in talks with PayPal to provide quick, convenient way to actually settle internet shit-talking
Reviewer struggling to complete 'screamo' record review without using words 'pretentious' and 'unlistenable'
Hadron Collider being recalibrated to search for theoretical RIH/Integrity split pre-orders
Any desire to actually hear record negated by ninth attempt to type in the fucking download code
New reality show follows members of Token Entry as they attempt to travel to back in time to prevent release of 'Weight of the World'
Girl mortified to see boyfriend's mosh face is identical to his sex face
Youth Crew lyricist really wishing one of his goddamn friends would betray him already
Hardcore confirmed as only genre where rapturous, orgasmic approval can be expressed through folded arms and reasonably vigorous nodding
Edge kid addicted to video games, energy drinks, fast food can't believe the shit those losers are wasting their lives and poisoning their bodies with
Token females from 80s hardcore scene demand return of less proportionate representation
Mission Merch/Rock Vegas owners tracked to Guatemala, living in shacks fashioned from unsold Shere Khan records
Accusations of unconscious homo-eroticism fiercely denied by roomful of shirtless, sweaty, muscular hardcore boys huddled together at show
Hateful, infantile, emotionally retarded frontman proud to be inspirational role model to hateful, infantile, emotional retards worldwide
Deathcore community respond to widespread accusations of a lack of substance and inventiveness with some kind of brutal breakdown, presumably
Hardcore band red faced at technical difficulties which led to massively extended set time of 14 minutes
Hardcore kid's antipathy towards both Joy Divison and hip-hop leaves him feeling pretty left out of the whole scene
Second guitarist thinking it's about time he got to do a fucking dive-bomb
Cold World/Willie Nelson collaboration 'How The Gods Kick Back And Whittle Some' proving challenging listening for all concerned
68% of 'hardstyle' band members now reasonably sure what 'hardstyle' is
Feeling of unbridled joy and achievement at finally owning a Chung King replaced almost immediately by profound existential despair
a HArdcore newsfeed consIders possibiLity of inSerting subliminAl messages inTo rANdom tweets
Hyperventilating drummer defying agreed plan to go straight into third fast one
Scott Vogel now unable to orgasm without shouting 'MAXIMUM OUTPUT!'
Second guitarist suspects layout of lyric sheet deliberately designed to position his face in crease
Ian Curtis really boring the shit out of everyone in afterlife about his bloody hardcore following
Dude a little freaked at being on thanks list, he only met them once and even then he got sick in one of their parents' cars
Highest-achieving 'street team' member rewarded with being allowed to witness bassist defecate for 45 seconds
Stagediver realises his indecision on whether to go off stage left or right has resulted in a rather effeminate little five second jig
Tattooist could quite happily live without ever seeing a ship, lighthouse or owl ever again
Intense disagreement over which Breakdown demo is superior causes band to split, blaming 'musical differences'
All 12 variants of distinctly average record now proudly displayed in collection
Attack Attacks' synthesisers become self-aware, turn, rise up against their wuss-core masters
HC kid clicks 'maybe' to Facebook event invite for show happening 2,500 miles away
College Professor wondering how many tedious theses on Straight Edge he is going to see this year
American Nightmare feeling pretty damn justified about lawsuit as residency at Jake's bar'n'bbq rises from 2 to 3 nights a week
In all the excitement, the sole member of the newly-sanctioned Hull, UK chapter completely forgot to ask what FSU actually stands for
Obese deathcore drummer playing breakdown after tedious breakdown with all the aggressive impact of a warm lettuce
Satan says recent Straight Edge following 'cute, but misguided'
Scab line up playing with precisely the amount of passion and energy that $50 a head buys
Lost enclave of 90s hardcore kids emerge from wilderness to tell their story humorlessly, self-righteously
Rick Ta Life's autobiography 'On A Horse' delayed after his publishers find him hawking xeroxed bootleg versions in his fleamarket
Straight Edge Council of Elders debate possibility of 'no jaywalking' as proposed fourth X
Show flyer on internet longs to be printed, touched, distributed
Collection of demo cassettes pretty pissed off the vinyl gets its own fucking shelves while they sit here like schmucks in this goddam shoebox
Cassettes really going to fucking lose it if the vinyl keeps taunting 'he ain't got shit to plaaaay you on, biiitch' at them
One-Life Crew's controversial new fragrance 'Pure Disgust' hits the stores, with the tag line 'Smell like America or GET OUT, VULTURES'
Band with metal music, name, lyrics, logo, imagery and hair still blithely insisting they are a hardcore band
Vocalist manages to cover 1.7 km in cross-stage pacing during intro
Guitarists' flawless execution of synchronised twin harmonic divebombs causes both to also emit small amount of pre-ejaculate
Moaning, miserable, joyless old bastard really wishing positive hardcore would make a comeback
Most entertaining breakdown at show emotional, not musical
Innovative trial at fest allows kids to purchase limited merch and simultaneously flip on eBay in one convenient, cynical transaction
New Straight Edge clothing line ‘just a mess of Xs’
Subliminal message #1: Contrary to popular belief, it's NOT obligatory to be a hateful shitbag on the Internet. Do something different. Be nice and polite. It RULES.
Crowd would stomach this impassioned speech from vocalist more if he'd move the mic away from his mouth during the heavy breathing inbetween
Nando's diners now asked whether they wish to sit in hardcore or non-hardcore section
FSU, DMS and SHARP merger abandoned after only viable combined acronym discovered to be 'SAD SMURF, PSH!'
Every non-US band casually skipped past on international hardcore comp
Comprehensive Edgebreak insurance now available, with replacement SXE band members delivered within 24 hours, available in Vegan/Jaded/Obese
Label competing for the most exclusive, unplayable format smugly release demo on 8-track cassette and wax cylinder
Ray Cappo to endorse Scientology on new Shelter record, in exchange for 'Thetan' resurrection, 'just in case the Krishna stuff was bullshit'
Lyric sheet typo diligently copied into tattoo
Band unknowingly rips off own design
Boston Beatdown/Sesame Street collaborative DVD to educate kids about the futility of violence through graphic, lengthy kerbstomping of Elmo
Three iterations of Throwdown come together for bbq, mini-golf tournament, campfire singalong
Promoter suspected of organising small-scale 'fest' solely for purpose of making laminated passes
Kid involuntarily displaying hand stamp to cute, disinterested girl on door for third time
Photographer holds out camera at arm's length to joylessly shoot off 20 photos of band he's not actually watching
Whole band ask for less of second guitarist in monitor
Hardcore kid with multiple tattoos/t-shirts of knuckledusters entirely unsure what to do with actual object
Wall of death survival rates remain steady at 100%
Band swear oath never to reveal that last-minute marker pen crisis forced them to X up with 'Rimmel's luscious long lashes' mascara
Hip-Hop starting to get bugged by this little wiener 'Hardcore' hanging round all the time and copying everything he does
Label owner's girlfriend issues ultimatum: it's me or the post office
Second guitarist demands recount as he is elected to role of 'van bitch' for third tour in a row
Ex-hardcore kids' middle-of-the-road rock band adored unquestioningly, irrationally
Beatdown guitarist nervously laughing off pop-punk past
Aged, pony-tailed sound engineer trying to convince hardcore band that they would have never existed exist 'without Zeppelin, man'
Youthcrew Vocalist starting to get a bit freaked at all these dudes pointing at him the whole time he's singing
Awkward silence at band practice as bassist tries to push his 'song' into the set again
Revelation shamefacedly admit the YOT remixes were done by the janitor
T-shirt printers congratulate band on presumed US tour as order for 4XL shirts arrives
72% of hardcore community now pretending to like dubstep
Members of generic metallic hardcore bands form side project to play generic metallic hardcore
Guest vocal pretty much indistinguishable
Tests suggest thickness of Xs on hands may be linked to genital size
OG Cro-Mags line up to finally reunite (except Harley and Parris, obviously)
25 years later, HC linguistic experts are still in disagreement over exact interpretation of 'bidip bo!'
HC kid at edge of pit pretty proud he can now move from tightly folded arms to raised-arm mosh-guard at almost ninja speed
Youth Crew band's lyricist can't wait for the world to hear his refreshing new take on subjects as diverse as unity, friendship, and betrayal
Next Emmure record to be written by rudimentary software program
Second guitarist feels burning sensation on back of neck when he realises he wasn't in on record matrix in-joke
Supreme Hardcore Council prepares annual shortlist of new bands targeted for hysterical and unwarranted hype
Three members of 'Design the Skyline' suffer major psychological and rectal trauma after Tony Victory's traditional, inductory 'bully-ramming'
Drummer excited about the whole new world of incompetent beats his freshly purchased double-kick pedal will open up
Photographer unable to select band shot that doesn't have at least two other photographers in it
HC kid proudly displaying neck and hands crammed full of questionable life choices from some of the top tattooists in the state
Bassist wakes from wonderful dream where his opinion was considered, briefly
Beatdown vocalist whips the kids into a hate-mosh frenzy but also asks everyone to please take care as Mom and Grammy are stood at the back
Band agree album tracklisting: good/crap/good/good/crap/crap on Side 1, then good/crap/crap/crap/crap/crap Side 2. CD/download one extra crap.
Black Flag bars no longer available in original context
80s hardcore kids become first generation of parents with unembarrassing record collection
Flyer for Mental, Strife and Panic reunion show mistaken for support group ad
Edge day celebrated worldwide by straight edgers continuing to not do what they dont do the other 364 days of the year
Current franchises of Misfits and Danzig share elevator without recognition
40-year-old at HC show fairly sure he heard the word 'paedophile' in two different nearby conversations
HC kids worldwide wondering whether to claim they had always been into the Roses
HC kid sandwiched between Paul Bearer and Rob Lind experiencing profound urinal freeze
Awful, awful band convince selves that spamming the shit out of many twitter accounts will entice idiots to listen to them
Kid gleefully relating mosh injury anecdote categorically fails to mention three minutes of crying
Green Rage drunk in bar lamenting what could have been
Archaeologists in 3674 make tentative assessment that at one time primitive 21st century society was ruled by a 'mosh warrior' caste
Mathcore band's mosh call expressed as an equation
Band wishes vocalist would stop mentioning his Grade 8 piano during recording, it's not going to fucking happen
Band just need a teensy bit more help in filing those last 16 holes in their 21 date tour
Thanks list unconsciously written in descending order of respect given:bros, bands, cat, favorite beverage, food, stupid in-joke, girlfriend
Research finds only possible reason for hideous, nightmarishly-garish shirts with huge prints is to distract onlookers from appalling haircuts
Militant Edgers X up Ian Mackaye during his afternoon nap
Engineer's eyes rest on bassist for less than one tenth of a second when asking if everyone is happy with the mixdown
Vocalist concerned this throat bug could compromise the timbre of his harsh guttural growling
Guitarist joylessly adding to riff database
Whilst enjoying mosh retirement, Bob and Jane will occasionally still reminisce, punch each other in the face and headwalk the grandchildren
Accidental insertion of Dashboard Confessional into Hatebreed/Cro-Mags/Madball gym mix causes major tendon damage
'From the producers of Godmoney and Edge Of Quarrel' somehow failing to secure financial backing
HC kid desperate for you to bear witness to his dark & brooding misanthropy via twitter, facebook, tumblr, instagram, bbm, google+
No-one in studio believing engineer when he tells drummer after take 24 'it's cool, we can fix it in the mix later'
Band use ancient, arcane symbols and imagery to convince you there is something really quite spooky going on in their mid-tempo metalcore
Band can't wait to get home and share all the great memories, amusing photos and exotic STDs they picked up on tour
Morbidly obese stagediver causes pit stampede, structural damage
Older, jaded guitarist recruiting fresh-faced young band members solely for the opportunity to comprehensively crush their dreams
Minor Threat reunion 'will happen, when the money is right'
GUTG very excited to see how much the fans are going to enjoy the Cold Cave cover set and extended poetry reading
HC kid's tumblr a confusing smorgasboard of soft porn, pretentious photography and excruciatingly self-pitying, punctuation-free text
Insecure beatdown vocalist just waiting for the day when he is replaced by someone stupider, uglier, more unpleasant
Ardent exponent of obscure subgenre of HC can't believe doofus on internet listens to different, equivalent, obscure subgenre of HC
Vocalist keen to share his twin heartfelt messages of available merchandise and macho posturing
Newly inducted Crew member slightly disappointed to discover initiation ceremony entirely food-based
Supreme Hardcore Council decrees scene now completely full, emergency idiot-cull protocol now in effect
External hard drive labelled 'Downloads of new records I have every intention of purchasing' full again
Newly moved-in girlfriend's dance music collection immediately relegated to cupboard under stairs
Subliminal message #2: Our playlist for 2012 is Inherit, Tremors, Legal Highs.
Holy Terrorist to spend afternoon praying for the annihilation of all flesh, writing Christmas list
Fanatically atheistic front man adopting crucifixion pose at least twice per set
97% of European Beatdown YouTube videos tagged with keywords 'comedy gold'
FSU community outreach programme to teach advanced hate-mosh techniques to deprived inner city kids
Interviewer asks HR if, before they discuss his far-reaching & profound influence on HC, whether he would mind removing the space helmet
European hardcore decides to finally shrug off all American influence, and rely solely on fuck it, USA! USA!
Guitarist dives into crowd mid-song with very little due care or regard for maintaining the chord structure of the piece being performed
NYHC SXE 88's annual reunion bar bill reaches five figures again
Headwalk executed exquisitely, callously
More time spent making blog graphically resemble cut-and-paste zine than would have taken to make actual cut-and-paste zine
Scene in confused frenzy as leaked footage of AN reunion appears on YouTube several weeks before show has actually taken place
Hungover label manager has the terrible feeling he agreed to a Good Clean Fun tribute comp last night
86% of band shots now comprised of 5 overweight, bearded men with spectacles on and hoods up trying to look both deeply sensitive and tough
Complete twat with all the charm & social skills of a dung beetle finds a place he can call home & will be welcomed with open arms: hardcore
Norman Bates and The Showerheads still patiently awaiting the NYHC renaissance glory to trickle down
Experienced HC dude happy to take time out to teach the new kids the subtle intricacies of the ignorant mosh
HC band coming to terms with the fact that despite their best intentions, they just aren't quite musically competent enough to sell out
Xmas 2052, Moshzilla's Grandkids roll their eyes as she repeats the story of how she was once Queen of something called 'the Internetz'
Buddha trying his best to be philosophical about it as Jesus and Krsna spend the whole meal swapping stories about their HC followings
Tour day 5: only by the continued absence of that weird rotting smell does the band realise bassist left behind at truck stop on tour day 3
Label's Black Friday deal gives you 30% off selected items if you use the checkout code 'TBHwewerejustgoingtoburnthiscrap'
Crowd-killing mosh move, whilst technically flawless, lacked the spontaneous flair that so beautifully fucked that kid's face up previously
Support band reassured by several people that sure, it sounded great from outside, from what they could tell
Band reassure gruff, growling vocalist that yes, they really can hear his profound and passionate sincerity in every incomprehensible word
Band put you in the confusing position of having to 'like' their band before you are given the evidence confirming you actively dislike them
Fugazi to release online audio archive of all 800 instances of Ian berating the audience for stagediving, dancing, talking, chewing gum
Urgent plea goes out to help touring HC band who were robbed of their dignity & self-respect after playing with several electronicore bands
Band reach ultimate exclusivity by inviting just one randomly-selected, mute, orphan child into a hermetically-sealed box to hear their demo
Girlfriend just about tolerating that shit you call music for third consecutive year, just as long as you keep it down, for fuck's sake
Mosher's Annual Performance Review setting some challenging but achievable targets around crowd-killing, spin kicks
Kickstarter's new premium service 'Shakedown' will trap fans in a dark alley & make them turn out their pockets at knifepoint for shit merch
Leak of HC bands' nudes causes frantic bidding between fans for limited friends only 'mangina' variants
Arduous four-hour band practice leaves rehearsal room air quality at Rick Ta Life's bedroom levels
Support band thrilled by big touring band respectfully watching 20 seconds of their soundcheck before ambling off, scratching their genitals
Eager young Posi HC kid putting every single demo/record/show he experienced this year on his 'Best of 2011' list
New DYS line up thinking ah fuck it, let's be SSD too, no-one's going to check
MySpace staff Christmas party providing complimentary drink, buffet, counselling
Girl persuaded to wear vintage HC shirt during sex told to remain motionless when deed finished, so shirt can be removed, sanitised, secured
Supreme Hardcore Council convenes, announces 2012 scene mood to be downgraded from 'cautiously optimistic' to 'jaded, and so very tired'
New Straight Edge documentary to take an in-depth look at the history of eye-wateringly tedious in-depth Straight Edge documentaries
Band member politely inquiring whether there is any real point releasing demo on cassette in 2012 treated like he has lost his fucking mind
HC kid claps and nods sincerely in support of vocalist's mumbled shout out for something utterly incomprehensible
Every single band that you ever cared about (or indeed, couldn't give a shit about) now successfully defecating on their own legacy
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