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Thursday 19 August 2010

Eighth consecutive bump considered for demo release thread

Tucson, AZ. Franklin Wertz, of new hardcore band BloodxFight, was excited to announce the release of his band’s freshly recorded ‘packin’ it large’ demo to an unsuspecting public. And where better to do it than the B9board, the thriving and controversial message board of the Boston-based ‘Bridge 9 Records’ label. Unfortunately for Franklin, within minutes the thread had disappeared to page 5 of the board, amidst a sea of mild pornography and arguments between teenagers. Franklin complained: “It’s crazy. No sooner had I posted, than it just disappeared. It was one of those days where someone had been beaten up at a Terror show, plus some juggalo started posting – we didn’t have a hope in hell.” It was at this point Franklin started his controversial ‘thread bumping’ crusade. Re-posting in the thread pushed it back to the top of the list – but even after doing this seven times in the space of four hours, no-one had commented on the demo, which Franklin had described as ‘FFO Breakdown, Kid Dynamite and Slayer’. “People need to hear our jams! I saved my allowance for three months to record this! We need to build up some talk in time for our demo release show, we are supporting xRhinocerosx, for Chrissakes!”. Franklin experienced a brief ray of hope when he noticed that views of the thread had now reached 28, until he sadly realised that at least 27 of those had been generated by himself. He is currently contemplating an eighth consecutive thread bump, despite no responses at all. At time of writing, the thread is currently residing on page 22, sandwiched between a thread praising a YouTube video of someone being violently assaulted in an amusing fashion, and a thread entitled ‘Ass to mouth – ok LOL...have any of you guys ever actually tri’.